November 4th, 2017

A new extra small USB DecoTech Pro Electronic Keyring is now available.  It is the perfect companion for laptop computers.  For $ USD it is possible to exchange your version 7 old model USB DecoTech Pro Electronic Keyring for this new extra small model.  If you are interested by this exchange offer, call us.
(Note: This new extra small model requires a DecoTech Pro with a version number >= 7.79.)

December 11th, 2016

The Links section has been updated.  If you are looking for a free word processor to create PDF files and a lot more, download the free Apache OpenOffice™ software.

Beginning of the website redesign to reflect the new DecoTech Pro 7.  The Products and To Order sections have been modified.  A lot more of modifications will be made over the next weeks.

September 20th, 2016

Examples of simulation of light projection.  An image link to those new 3D perspectives has been added at the bottom of the Gallery/Normal 3D Perspectives sub-section.  These 3D perspectives have been created with the latest DecoTech Pro 7 version.

April 7th, 2016

New 3D perspectives have been added to the Gallery/Normal 3D Perspectives and the Gallery/Stereoscopic 3D Perspectives sub-sections.  These 3D perspectives have been created with the latest DecoTech Pro 7 version.

March 17th, 2016

The Links section has been updated with the new DecoTech Pro YouTube channel.

March 1st, 2016

A new animated 3D perspective of a kitchen has been added to the Gallery/Animated 3D Perspectives
sub-section.  This animation has been created with the latest DecoTech Pro 7 version.

January 1st, 2012

Creation of the new domain name that will be exclusively dedicated to the selling of the DecoTech Pro software.

April 1st, 2010

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #15 and Topic #16 have been updated.

April 1st, 2010

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #16 has been updated.

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #16 has been updated.

DecoTech version 6.11 update is now available.  Check the following links for more information:

    DecoTech Designer English Imperial Update v6.11
   (For S/N beginning with DD 110 1## ###)
    DecoTech Designer English Metric Update v6.11
     (For S/N beginning with DD 111 1## ###)
    DecoTech Pro English Imperial Update v6.11
           (For S/N beginning with DP 210 1## ###)
    DecoTech Pro English Metric Update v6.11
             (For S/N beginning with DP 211 1## ###)
    DecoTech Pro French Imperial Update v6.11
          (For S/N beginning with DP 200 1## ###)

March 28th, 2010

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #16 has been updated.

March 22th, 2010

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #16 has been added.

This topic introduces the new useful DecoTech Main Folders Merger Utility v7.03 application.

March 11th, 2010

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #15 has been added and Topic #16 about files disappearing on Windows 7 and Vista has been added.

March 9th, 2010

DecoTech version 6.09 update is now available.

September 24th, 2008

DecoTech version 6.08 update is now available.

January 14th, 2008

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #14 has been added.

March 15th, 2007

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #13 has been added.

May 28th, 2006

DecoTech version 6.07 update is now available.

January 24th, 2006

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #6 has been updated.

January 12th, 2006

New information has been added to the FAQ section concerning the interaction between the printer and the hardlock.

Price lists have been adjusted to reflect the currencies fluctuations.

January 11th, 2006

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #12 has been added.

November 25th, 2005

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #15 has been updated.

May 20th, 2005

DecoTech version 6.06 update is now available.

October 6th, 2004

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #11 has been added.

February 3rd, 2004

DecoTech version 6.02 update is now available.

January 28th, 2004

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #10 has been added.

November 30th, 2003

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #15 has been updated.

November 26th, 2003

DecoTech version 6.01 update is now available.

October 22th, 2003

New image of a complex cabinet has been added to the Gallery section.  This cabinet has been created with the Scene Editor program with many simple objects and with the Pattern Editor program for the curved top.

June 29th, 2003

New information has been added to the FAQ section concerning the minimum requirements of the future DecoTech version 7.

June 28th, 2003

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #15 has been added.

June 27th, 2003

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #8 has been updated.

March 27th, 2003

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #13 has been added.

March 7th, 2003

Modifications in the To Order section.  You can now place on-line orders from secure WebPages.

August 23th, 2002

Modifications in the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.  Topic #8 has been updated.

June 26th, 2002

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #10 and #14 have been added.

June 13th, 2002

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #8, #9, #11 and #12 have been updated to best match version 6.

June 12th, 2002

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  A new great tip have been added.  It replaces the old topic #7 that is now obsolete in version 6.

May 31th, 2002

Modifications in the Tech Support/Tips Spot sub-section.  Topic #1 to 6 have been updated to best match version 6.

May 30th, 2002

Creation of the new News section.  This new section will contain all the most recent news about DecoTech software and events.  It will also mention any new adds to the website so it will be easier to locate new information, bug reports, tips and downloadable files.

New information has been added to the FAQ section and the Tech Support/Troubleshooting sub-section.

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